Friday, September 30, 2005

Barbara Olsen is Still Dead Despite this story

I attended a tribute to Barbara Olsen held by the American Alternative Foundation. Karl Rove was the key note and it featured such luminaries as Christopher Buckley, KellyAnn Conway, and the legendary Guy Vander Jagt. (I actually got to supply the name of a poet when it slipped her busband's mind, and was quite pleased with myself of being able to).

The point of this is that these were all people who knew and loved her, and I am offended on their behalf regarding the following story.


Joey's Post-Modern Condition

The one truly brilliant element of Friends and Joey revolves around the nature of Joey as character. Joey the character is a supposedly mediocre working actor in Friends who becomes a slightly better actor landing a sit-com and then a movie lead.

It is possible that Matt LeBlanc is one of the greatest actors of our generation. Unfortunately, it is equally likely that he is just average. This problem is Joey's Post-Modern Condition. Matt LeBlanc could just as easily be a good actor portraying a bad actor or a bad actor playing a good one.

Add to the mix that we frequently see Joey Tribiani acting, and the show is completely brilliant. Joey playing an action hero in "Joey and the Big Break: Part Two" clearly overacts and is then told by the director that it was "classic poster." The question then becomes whether LeBlanc is actually acting the way he naturally does, and is thus an awful actor; the way he thinks Joey would (over)act, and is thus a great actor. The audience is left to mediate between the actor and the show and thus determine for itself the correct answer.

I beleive LeBlanc to be a brilliant actor portraying a mediocre one. He should win every award out there.

Hurricane Katrina: The Yakuaz's Revenge?

The "technologies' discussed in this legitimate news article a have been common currency, and frequently mentioned, among the conspiracy community. The UN actually does have an anti-climate weapon treaty signed by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Laugh as you will.

Please see this link.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hurricane Katrina and the Conspiracy Community

Mike Whitney's piece Katrina: Relocation or Ethnic Cleansing on Dissident Voice is a perfect example of people searching for a malicious cause for bad events rather than accepting that people are incompetent, plans are flawed, or bad actions result from good intentions.

FEMA's reaction to Hurricane Katrina is much more likely the result of its post-9/11 re-orientation away from addressing natural disasters than the result of a plan to "cleanse" or purposely re-locate the victims of the hurricane. It likely also was caused by making FEMA an agency subordinate to a Cabinet Head instead of retaining its own Cabinet status.

From Today's Martini Republic

"You have to wonder how many times the rightwing Christians will let themselves be deceived before they realize that the GOP has played them like fiddles."

""Roberts: legal abortion "settled as a precedent of the Court.""

"For twenty-five years, the Republican Party has been saying to Christians and churches, "If only you give us The Presidency / the House / the Senate / the Supreme Court, we'll ban abortion." Now all the stars are aligned, all the necessaries are in place, and still Bush has not put forth a nominee who could close the Faustian deal the Party made with the religious right."

"Today's hearing confirms but one thing, but it's a huge thing: Republicans and rightwing Christians have lived a twenty-five-year-old lie. The Christians who, in their compact with the Republicans sold out nearly every other value of Jesus Christ for the sake of one he never uttered--a fetus' right to life--are left with nothing again. Those who were asked to value the so-called "right to life" and abandonned love of peace and the poor to try to achieve it are left with nothing truly Christian at all, just a senseless war, a contempt for the poor and afflicted, and a Supreme Court that will continue to honor Roe v. Wade."

Let's hope this is true. Let's also hope that the "moderate" (in quotes because no one really knows) Alberto Gonzalez is the next nominee confirmed. If he really is a moderate, and the above is true, then the right to abortion, and hence the ability of women to control their reproduction will be cemented in our public policy and public discourse. This of course will mean that women will finally be truly equal and won't have to fear their rights being rolled back (since the pre-pill inablity of women to control their fertility in practice was the last thing preventing women from being true equals instead of equals in name only).

It would also serve the prigs in the pro-life, anti-female sexuality corps right. These are people who don't believe in contraception or abortion because they don't believe that people should engage in sex for the joy of it.

Sources state that Sandra Day O'Connor has stated off-the record that overturning Roe v. Wade would destroy the modern Republican Party, and that's why she always voted to uphold it. Should Roberts and Gonzalez (or whomever else is the next nominee) uphold Roe, then it could also lead to a fracturing of the the Republican party, with the religious conservatieves either staying home or starting a new party. Either way, it doesn't matter. After 8 years of a Democratic President (and Lee Atwater repeatly spoke of the 8-year cycle), they will grudgingly come back to the GOP because economic interests and other social interests still lie there.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Another Supporter for elevating New Orelans

This proposal is not quite as extensive as mine, but I like the approach. I still think that w/ NOLA only six feet below sea level, we should be able to provide enough landfill to elevate the entire area.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Stage II in Rebuilding New Orleans

David Brooks writes:

"In those cultural zones, many people dropped out of high school, so it seemed normal to drop out of high school. Many teenage girls had babies, so it seemed normal to become a teenage mother. It was hard for men to get stable jobs, so it was not abnormal for them to commit crimes and hop from one relationship to another. Many people lacked marketable social skills, so it was hard for young people to learn these skills from parents, neighbors and peers...

...That's why the second rule of rebuilding should be: Culturally Integrate. Culturally Integrate. Culturally Integrate. The only chance we have to break the cycle of poverty is to integrate people who lack middle-class skills into neighborhoods with people who possess these skills and who insist on certain standards of behavior."

David Brooks is entirely correct about this. Cultural integration (also called scattered site housing) has been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt to benefit the underclass - it helps "mainstream" the values of the children who live in these communities, it helps close the achievement gap between the middle and underclasses, and provides better cultural education for everyone by exposing children of the middle classes to those of the underclass.

I have lived in two of the most integrated communities in the nation (Hyde Park, Chicago and SW DC) and believe that it fundamentally works for everyone.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Novel Approach to Rebuilding New Orleans

Despite the comments of Speaker Hastert, it seems like the rebuilding of New Orleans is a forgone conclusion. However, we are heading into a 20 to 40 year hurricane cycle during which it's likely New Orleans will be hit again and again. In order to avoid the type of human catastrophe wreaked by Katrina, the State of Lousiana and the Federal Government should address the primary problem with New Orleans: it is below sea level.

The most obvious manner to handle this is to elevate the destroyed parts of New Orleans to sea level or above. This would be done in two parts:

1) Landfill from the other 48 Continental States should be diverted to New Orleans. This would be a major undertaking, comparable to the Big Dig in Boston, and would provide jobs to many of the displaced underclass. The destroyed houses and building would be the base of the landfill.

2) Build new homes, with foundations above sea level, on the new land. This could be done either by traditional home construction firms, or by a habitat for humanity type program which would give houses to the displaced residents who came back to work on the landfill and home building projects. Of course some combination of the two construction means could be employed.

This may strike many people as similar to the New Deal's WPA. And I suppose it is. But given the consensus that we will rebuild, it would accomplish something necessary: preventing further Hurricane damage to one of our nation's oldest cities and most important ports. Furthermore, it would provide jobs for the displaced residents of New Orleans.

The Obvious Question: Who Will Pay for This?
Ideally, it will be paid for with a combination of Federal and State funds. I would also expect the insurance industry to pony up a sizable chunk of the money. After all, one reason for doing this is to prevent similar disasters in the future which they would otherwise be required to pay for. Additionally, Louisiana may even be able to charge some states for taking the landfill.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Conspiracy Community gets a Political Action Committee

X-PPAC Home Page

Well, this is one way to increase your influence and get Congress to actually pay attention. Apparently, one of Clinton's first actions as President was to ask about aliens etc., and was told that whole thing was a farce. However, the late U.S. Reprensentative Steven Schiff of New Mexico, representing Roswell, had the Government Accounting Office review the Roswell case. GAO later reported that most documents and materials for the case had been destroyed illegally.

Hmm. Maybe if enough people give to the PAC, the "truth," whatever it is, will finally come out.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

He Found a New Thrill

Entertainment News Article

Fats Domino alive and still fat after his resue from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

For Those Who Claim Katrina = Divine Wrath

'For human pride is more powerful than any instruments of which it avails itself. It must be regarded as inevitable that a religion which apprehends the truth about man and God by faith alone should be used as the instrument of human arrogance. This is done whenever the truth which is held by faith, because it is beyond all human attainment, comes to be regarded as a secure possesion. In this form it is no longer a threat to man. It does not mediate judgment upon the false and imperial completions of human life. It becomes, rather, the vehicle of the pretentions that the finiteness and sin of life have been overcome.' - Reinhold Niebuhr, 'The Nature and Destiny of Man: Vol. 2; Human Destiny.'"