Monday, January 10, 2011

Caprica: The Genesis of Cylon Monotheism vs. Human Polytheism (Part II)

One of the more interesting things of note about Zoe Graystone and the development of the monotheistic religion is that though the STO has existed for a while, Zoe's life and death add more complexity to the religion. And this complexity has strikingly Christian overtones. Zoe becomes The Trinity: Actual Zoe is flesh and the original Creator (God), Simulacrum Zoe is the creation (digital daughter) to which she gave life and which  evangelizes her beliefs through the STO and otherwise (Jesus), and Zoe's spirit - simulacrum consciousness - also inhabits the U-87 military robot (The Holy Ghost). The declaration that Zoe is the Trinity comes from Lacy Rand, future Blessed Mother (high priestess) of the STO's monotheistic faith.

Later, Sister Clarice, another member of the STO, imparts religious significance to Amanda Graystone as the Mother of Zoe. This is because Zoe had been given the power to create life through her Avatar program which recreates an entire person based on the digital footprints they leave throughout the world during their life.

The Avatar program is part of Sister Clarice's plan for Apotheosis, in which digital simulacra of human beings will be uploaded into a "digital heaven" at the moment of death. In this way, a continuous life everlasting will be granted to the adherents of the monotheistic religion. Sister Clarice views this as a reward to the faithful as well as a religious recruiting tool for her faith. Her pitch for Apotheosis to the guiding council of the faith causes controversy, leading to the death of one objector and the approval of the Blessed Mother to move forward with the statement "it's best to let these things play out as He sees fit." She then grants Clarice total control over all STO cells on Caprica and and agreement to provide the resources Clarice needs to finish Apotheosis.

Daniel Graystone pitches a similar, though crass, profit-driven secular version of Apotheosis to the Guatrau in a meeting about getting his company back from Daniel Virgis, Apparently Virgis is a friend of the Gautrau's who has taken it over from Graystone in a buyout. His secular Apotheosis proposal is met with rejection by Joseph Adama, an adviser to the Guatrau and father to William Adama who will play a central role in the subsequent Cylon Wars of Battlestar Galactica. However, the Guatrau is intrigued enough to order Daniel Graystone to proceed with the project. Graystone also begins work designing bodies into which to download the consciousnesses of the Simulacra. This sets up the resurrection process for the seven improved Cylon models in Battlestar Galactica, though of course the standard U-87 warrior models are still in use during the series reboot.

Sister Clarice's vision of Apotheosis for all is opposed by Simulacrum Zoe Graystone because she fears it will lead to "Hell on earth," a consequence-free existence turning reality into a mirror of the virtual world of New Caprica City where actions have no consequences. Simulacrum Zoe views this as contrary to the teachings of the faith with its emphasis on moral absolutes and consequences for one's actions - the same things that lead Actual Zoe to the One True Faith. In fact, Simulacrum Zoe is so obsessed with the cesspool of sin found in "V-World" that she vows to "clean it up." However, Sister Clarice has a working copy of Zoe's Avatar Simulacrum program and the ability to make her vision come true. Simulacrum Zoe and Sister Clarice have a theological argument over their differing perspectives during which Zoe declares "I am God!" to refute Clarice's declaration that she is following God's will. Zoe then turns Clarice's virtual Heaven into a virtual Hell using her abilities in the V-World.

Clarice spread the faith of the One True God and pleads with the Blessed Mother, Lacy Rand, to give God's blessing to the "differently sentient." Her exhortation to the Cylons is that there is no limit to what they may become and that they deserve Civil Rights. She prophesizes that there will be a Cylon to emerge to set them free and lead them on to their equality in life. This is revealed to be Cylon Zoe. 

Meanwhile, On her path to becoming Blessed Mother of the One True Faith, Lacy Rand gains the ability to control the STO's U-87 army. This seems to be because of residual memory / recognition of her by the original U-87 into which Zoe was downloaded. Lacy e asks the members of the army to raise its arm if the U-87 is Zoe Graystone. As she walks by them, they all raise their hand. However, we know that Zoe's consciousness is trapped in New Caprica City, so the residual memory is likely the best answer to this specific mystery. Lacy later used the U-87 army to depose the Blessed Mother and assume that role for herself, with her control of the army as testament to her holiness.

 "All this has happened before and will happen again."

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