Saturday, February 17, 2007

A brief word on 24 and civil liberties

I haven't watched 24 since the end of the first season (which rocked!), but have been getting into the current season (how could you not if you watched the season premiere).

Like most people concerned with national security, I almost believe that our troops and intelligence officers should be able to use all of the same techniques Jack Bauer does. Almost. However, once we start allowing that to occur against "foreign enemies" how soon until it turns to "domestic enemies" whether native born citizen or legal resident alien.

Actually empowering the government with the legal authority to act the way Jack Bauer does (which pretty much breaks the law in every episode) is just the first step on the road to tyranny. That said, I believe that the real life Jack Bauers should only act like him in extreme circumstances; but they should do so with the full understanding they are breaking the law. If they're actions are truly justified and protect Americans, then the agent would qualify for a Presidential partdon. Hmm... maybe we should offer our military forces and intelligence operatives that deal. "You can act like this, but if it doesnt pay off you're going to jail. If it saves lifes you'll get a pardon."

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