Wednesday, February 21, 2007

More Dicussion of our Impending Loss of Habeas Corpus

The Washington Post has an article on the appeals court decision I discussed here.

Maybe all is not lost . . .

Here is another good discussion of the issue from Talk Left. It is causing me a bit of Cognitive Dissonance though since I have been a proponent of the Unitary Executive theory.

1 comment:

  1. with this recent ruling the onus is definitely on the legislature and on grass-roots organizing to keep the issue of habeas restoration alive.

    join us at:

    you can also read our blog where we explore the backgrounds of the 2 judges, Sentelle and Randolph, who ruled to uphold the Military Commissions Act and where Brandon Mayfield, the U.S. citizen and attorney who was wrongly incarcerated for the Madrid bombings blogs about his case against the U.S. government concerning the constitutionality of the Patriot Act

    additionally we have the video testimony that Guantanamo detainee Adel Hamad's lawyers released on YouTube (with 68,000 views so far) after all legal recourse for their client was blocked

    join the projectx
