Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Some Conspiracies Are Real . . .

The movie Breach is a true life thriller about Robert Hanssen who betrayed our national secrets to the Soviets and Russians in exchange for monetary gain.

I don't remember all the details about this from when it was in the news, but I certainly hope he had to pay bribery taxes.

It is the existence of real conspiracies (like the one to betray your country) that prompts the continued belief that there are Hidden Masters pulling all the strings. Excessive government secrecy and classification also create an aura of mystery about what the military could be "hiding," such as aliens et al at Roswell. It is entirely possible that nothing happened out there, but the issuance and retraction of the press release about capturing a "flying disk" possibly stoked the increasing paranoia we now feel towards the government.

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